
YoucanaccesstheEditorlogsfromtheconsolewindow.Todothis,openaConsoleWindow(menu:Window>General>Console)andselectOpenEditorLogfromthe ...,LogViewerenablesuserstoviewUnitylogswithdevicesysteminformationonthescreenandtocallAPIsregisteredbydevelopers.Installation.InstallGame ...,2019年10月5日—注意:项目有多个场景,需要在入口场景创建,会跟在DontDestroyOnLoad中跟随整个项目的进行。此时就可以愉快...

Unity - Manual

You can access the Editor logs from the console window. To do this, open a Console Window (menu: Window > General > Console) and select Open Editor Log from the ...


LogViewer enables users to view Unity logs with device system information on the screen and to call APIs registered by developers. Installation. Install Game ...


2019年10月5日 — 注意:项目有多个场景,需要在入口场景创建,会跟在DontDestroyOnLoad中跟随整个项目的进行。 此时就可以愉快的使用了:屏幕使用手势画圈,调出界面。

Unity Logs Viewer

Using this tool you can easily check your editor console logs inside the game itself! All what you have to do is to make a circle gesture using ...


2022年8月30日 — Unity插件分享之Unity-Logs-Viewer 原创 ... //To use Reporter just create reporter from menu (Reporter->Create) at first scene your game start.


2020年3月2日 — Unity运行时查看日志-游戏内像看Console一样看Log. 1、Unity-Logs-Viewer; 2、UberLogger; 3、In-game Debug Console for Unity 3D; 4、mikelovesrobots ...

Log Viewer

2019年8月27日 — Use the Log Viewer from dreammakersgroup on your next project. Find this integration tool & more on the Unity Asset Store.


Using this tool you can easily check your editor console logs inside the game itself! All what you have to do is to make a circle gesture using your mouse ( ...